Published in the March 2016 issue of “Die Porsche Kassette”

Just after the Holidays is when the Season starts!


This is my favorite time of the year.  I start to look forward to the upcoming track days and here in Florida they start at the end of January.  Woohoo!.

Heck, our Autocross (AX) season starts the first week of January.

But many of you may have questions or doubts which have held you back from taking your Porsche to the track.

Let me tell you that a Porsche that’s trackless is like a duck with no water or a squirrel with no oak trees.  These cars are happiest when they are being tracked and really, you’re not going to hurt it by doing a few laps.  Sure, you will use up a bit of your tires and brakes, but you will gain permagrin!

I’ve been asked, from the technical side, what’s involved and what preparations does a Porsche owner need to do in order to attend a track day or a DE (Driver’s Education) event.

Basically, your car needs to be in good running order with its lights and safety equipment operational.

Safety is paramount, so all the safety items are of the utmost importance:

1.- Helmet.  You will need a SNELL 2010 or newer helmet.  Open-face or Closed.

2.- Safety Restraint.  Seat belts that are in good working order.

3.- Brakes.  They must be in good condition and meet the minimum requirements.

     a) Brake rotors with no cracks or outer edge lip over 1mm

     b) Brake pads with 3/16” or more

     c) Fresh brake fluid (must be replaced every 2 years or every track day)

     d) Brake lights operational

4.- Tires.  Must have minimum 3/32” tread and be no older than 6 years old.

5.- Roll Bars. If you have a convertible, it needs to be equipped with roll bars.

6.- Fire Extinguisher is recommended but not required.

You will also need to get your car Tech’d.

This is generally a free service offered by authorized shops in your area. 

Check with your local PCA Region for a valid and updated list of shops near you.

You need to bring your car to the shop within a 30 day window before the event.

They will inspect the vehicle, following the PCA Region’s Tech Sheet and will let you know if anything cannot be approved so that you can have it fixed and pass your inspection in time for the DE.

When you get to your track day or DE make sure to bring with you your helmet and the properly filled, signed and stamped Tech Sheet. 

Remove any loose items such as mats, radar detectors, etc.

When your registration to the event was confirmed you were given a number.  Place it on the car with the popular magnetic type or with painter’s tape.  Numbers need to be at least 8” tall and you will need the number displayed on either side of the car in a contrasting color.

There will be a final Tech Inspection at the track, so make sure you arrive with time to pick your spot and get sorted out.

Don’t forget to bring a cooler with water, especially during the hot months of summer. Staying hydrated is very important!

When I track my car, I also bring with me to the track a 10‘x10’ canopy to provide shade during off time, as well as a comfortable folding chair....

... and my bicycle and my track tires, and my tools.

It all fits perfectly on my 4’ x 4’ track tailer which I haul with my Boxster.

It’s a slippery slope!

For more information on track tech and more, please visit my website:


Happy Porsche’ing,

Ⓒ2016 Technolab /